Friday, September 17, 2010

2010-2011 Tally Board

Updated: 1537 PST, 17.2.2011

Please restrict comments to errors in listings or missing listings; rumor discussions belong on the rumors thread.

School/Position Addtl
Outcome Notes
American University Transnational Crime, Terrorism, Corruption Lauren McCarthy (C), Kendra Koivu (C), Matthew Taylor (C) Matthew Taylor Accepted Offer (C) --
American University International Organizations and Global Governance David Bosco (C), Carrie Walling (C) Hired David Bosco (C) --
American University Korea -- Ji-Young Lee Accepted Offer (C) --
University of Arizona Environment -- offer made (R) --
ANU Open Field Interviews Scheduled (L) -- --
Bard European Politics -- -- --
Baylor IR/CP -- --
UC Berkeley -- -- -- --
Boise State IR/CP -- -- --
Boston College International Politics of the Middle East -- -- --
Bowdoin College China Interviews (C) --
Bridgewater State CP -- -- --
Bucknell IPE/Latin America -- -- --
Brigham Young University -- -- -- --
Central Michigan IR/CP -- -- --
University of Chicago Urban Studies -- -- --
University of Chicago -- -- -- Open
CUNY-Queens College IR/CP/LA -- -- --
Claremont McKenna IR/CP Middle East -- -- --
Claremont McKenna IRt -- -- Full
Clark Asia/Middle East/Africa Initial Interviews (R) -- --
Clemson Department Chair -- -- --
Colby International Environmental Policy -- offer made (R) --
Colgate -- Hired Benjamin Appel (C) (Rumor is False) -- --
Colgate Peace & Conflict Studies -- -- --
University of Colorado, Boulder Interviews Scheduled (L) -- -- --
Colorado College -- -- -- --
University of Colorado, Boulder International Environmental Policy -- -- --
University of Connecticut Environmental Politics -- -- --
Covenant College International Studies Scheduling phone interviews (C) -- --
Dartmouth IR/PT -- -- --
Davidson Environmental Studies -- -- --
University of Delaware Global Governance/Gender interviews (C) Hired Jennifer Lobasz (C) --
DePauw IR Phone Interviews (R) position filled (R) --
Dominican IR/CP Phone Interviews (R) -- --
Drury University Public Policy -- -- --
Eckerd College East Asia/CP -- -- --
Emory and Henry College East Asia or Middle East/IR or CP Interviews Completed (R) -- --
Florida State University IR David Carter (C)
Yukari Iwanami (C)
Erica Owen (C)
Megan Shannon (C)
hired Megan Shannon (C) --
University of the Fraser Valley IR/CP -- -- --
Georgia Tech European Union interviews scheduled (L) -- --
University of Georgia -- Benjamin Appel (C) -- --
University of Georgia International Affairs -- -- --
GWU CP/IR -- -- Coordinate Women's Leadership Program
GWU IR -- -- --
GWU IR -- -- Practice/Non-TT
GWU International Development -- -- Practice/Non-TT
GWU Asian Politics -- -- Full
GWU International Security -- -- --
GWU Korea/Northeast Asia Interviews (C) -- --
GWU IR/CP/Sustainable Development -- -- Full
Georgetown College IR -- -- --
Grinnell College CP/IR interviews scheduled (C) -- --
Harvard Business School CPE/IPE -- -- --
Hendrix CP, some IR -- -- --
Hiram College Open Field -- -- --
Iowa State University Globalization -- -- --
University of Kentucky IR/CP finalizing short list (R) -- Associate or Full
Lee University IR/Developing World -- -- --
Long Island University Middle East/Asia/Global Issues -- -- --
Loyola Marymount IR/CP/Asia Interviews Scheduled (R) -- --
Marist IR/CP -- -- --
Marist IO/IL/IPE -- -- --
Marquette University Intnl Law/IO Interviews Scheduled (C) -- --
University of Maryland IR T. Allee (C)
Sarah Bush (C)
X. Cao (C)
T. Chapman (C)
Matt Fuhrmann (C)
Jennifer Hadden (C)
C. Hendrix (C)
Jon Monten (C)
Margaret Peters (C)
Idean Salehyan (C)
Thania Sanchez (C)
Kathleen Cunningham (C)
Others (C)
hired Jennifer Hadden (C) --
Marymount IR/CP Interviews Scheduled (C) Hired Chad Rector (C) --
University of Massachusetts, Amherst IPE interviews scheduled (C) -- --
University of Massachusetts, Boston Human Security -- -- McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies
University of Michigan Politics of Financial Markets -- -- --
Michigan State University IR/LA -- search completed (L) --
Middlebury College IR -- -- --
University of Missouri IR/No Conflict/Security Interviews Scheduled (L) -- --
UC Merced Open Field Levine (Vanderbilt), Hibbing (Illinois), and Nall (Harvard) (L) -- --
Mount Holyoke IL/IO Interviews Scheduled (L) Position Filled (L) --
Mount Mercy Open Field -- -- --
University of Nevada, Reno IR of Islamic World -- -- --
New School for Social Research IR/IPE/Global Politics phone interviews (R) -- Full
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Security Studies -- -- --
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Global Studies -- -- Associate
University of North Carolina, Charlotte Holocaust & Genocide Studies -- -- --
University of North Carolina, Charlotte Conflict Resolution/Methodology -- -- --
University of North Carolina, Greensboro IR/CP -- search canceled (C) --
North Carolina State University IR/CP/Engergy/Environment/Middle East -- -- --
Northern Illinois IR/Security Studies -- -- --
Northern Illinois IR/Security Studies -- -- --
Northwestern Security Studies -- -- --
Notre Dame IO/IL -- -- --
Notre Dame IR Interviews Scheduled (R) -- --
Oakland University IR Interviews Scheduled (R) -- --
Occidentak Globalization/Transnational -- -- --
Oklahoma IR/Security Studies Interviews (C) Hired Jon Monten (C) --
Oregon State University Public Policy -- -- --
Pacific Lutheran IR/Area Studies interviews (C) hire made (R) --
University of Pennsylvania IR/IPE Some Interviews Scheduled (C) offer made (L) --
Penn State, Erie IR/CP -- -- --
Philadelphia University IR Interviews Scheduled (R) -- --
University of Portland IR/CP/Subsaharan Africa -- -- --
Princeton University IR Daniel Blake (R)
Margaret Peters (R)
offers out (R) --
Purdue IR/Quant Methods Benjamin Appel (C) -- --
Reed College Open Field (no PT) -- -- --
Rhodes College IR/CP/Middle East -- -- --
University of Central Florida Methodology -- -- --
University of Rochester IR Interviews Scheduled (R) -- --
Rutgers, Newark Global Studies -- -- Asst/Associate
Rutgers, New Brunswick IPE -- -- Associate
University of St. Gallen Political Theory/Global Governance -- -- --
California State, San Bernardino IR/Security Studies -- -- --
UCSD IR -- -- --
Siena College IR/CP -- position filled (L) --
Skidmore College IR/CP/South Asia/Middle East -- -- --
Soka University of America IR/CP/Asia-Pacific -- -- --
USC Ethics, Globalization & Development -- -- Full
USC IR -- -- Full
Stanford University IR Interviews Scheduled (R) -- --
Syracuse University IR/IPE/IO/IL -- -- --
Syracuse University (Maxwell School) Security Studies interviews scheduled (C) -- --
Syracuse University (Maxwell School) International Development -- -- Asst/Assoc
Temple IR Benjamin Appel (C) -- --
University of Texas, Austin IR -- -- --
Texas A&M IR -- -- --
Texas A&M China -- -- --
University of Toledo IR/CP interviews scheduled (R) -- --
University of Toronto IR/Peace & Conflict Studies interviews scheduled (R) Offer (L) --
Tufts IR/CP/Political Economy -- Hired Nimah Mazaheri (L) --
Tulane IPE -- -- --
U.S. Coast Guard Academy -- sent out rejection e-mails (L) -- Asst/Assoc
Villanova African Politics -- -- --
Villanova Political Economy -- -- --
Virginia Tech -- -- -- --
Virginia Wesleyan CP/IR -- -- --
Wellesley College IR -- Offer to Paul MacDonald (C) --
Whitworth CP/IR -- position filled (R) --
William and Mary Environment interviews scheduled (L) -- --
University of Wisconsin, La Crosse IR/CP interviews scheduled (C) -- --
University of Wisconsin, Madison IR Interviews Scheduled (L) -- --
Wright State Methodology/Latin Amercia -- -- --
Yale IR made calls (R) offer out (R) --
York University International Studies -- -- --


Anonymous said...

A few missing jobs: FSU's IR position, UNC-Chapel Hill's cross-disciplinary security job, and all of the Elliot School jobs (unless you're intentionally combining all of them plus the polisci job at GW into one listing).

Anonymous said...

Assistant Professor, International Studies, York University

Anonymous said...

you're missing the Temple job. General IR, no subfield indicated on the ad.

Anonymous said...

Those with a research focus on CP/international development might be interested in a list maintained by Daniel Esser at American U:

IR Rumor Mill said...

Thanks for the help. @5:58 (or anyone else): could you let us know what the GWU Elliot School jobs are that we've missed?

Anonymous said...

Pacific Lutheran University is hiring as well

Anonymous said...

The GWU Elliot School jobs were posted on 9/13 on ejobs and are ejobs #16815-16820 and include 4 tenure-track (at varying ranks) and 2 non-tenure jobs.

Anonymous said...

The Villanova job is CP/IR/Africa, not political economy. Great job on the new site, btw.

Anonymous said...

The Emory job is not Emory in Atlanta, but Emory & Henry College in Virginia

Anonymous said...

There are two Villanova jobs, one on Africa, but also one in Political Economy in their Department of Humanities.

Anonymous said...

the University of Chicago job ad (listing ID 16572) appears to include IR.

Anonymous said...

Harvard Business School also has a comparative/IR job listed in ejobs.

Anonymous said...

Missing four (!) IR/security openings, all ranks, at U Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.

Anonymous said...

The University of St. Gallen has just put out a job ad for an AP position that may be of interest to some IR folks:

Assistant Professorship in the
Political Theory of Global Governance, starting April 1, 2011 or by mutual agreement

The appointed candidate will join a recently-created inter-disciplinary research programme
on "Global Democratic Governance" in the School of Economics and Political Science, comprising both established and younger scholars in political science,economics, and international law. Applicants should have a doctorate in political science,a strong research record in either or both normative and empirical research in
the political theory of global governance, and a willingness to collaborate on research with scholars from other fields. Exceptionally qualified candidates from other disciplines will also be considered. The position will initially be filled for three years with the possibility for a single three-year renewal. As the University of St. Gallen seeks to
increase the diversity of its faculty, applications from women are especially welcome.

The appointed candidate is expected to contribute top-ranking research output and initiatives in the fields of the research programme and to teach in English in the International Affairs programme. The ability to speak German is not a prerequisite.

For further information about the position, please contact Prof. Daniele Caramani (email: and visit

Anonymous said...

IPE opening at Rutgers just came up in apsa jobs.

Anonymous said...

Syracuse has 2 IR jobs in their Public Administration department, in addition to the job in the Political Science department.

Anonymous said...

Any word on the American SIS crime search? PSJR is reporting that the committee has finalized a list and is about to get approval for invitations from the Dean.

Anonymous said...

Marist has listings for IR/CP and CP/IR.

Anonymous said...

You are missing the William and Mary job that is listed on APSA e-jobs. It is IR with a focus on Environment. Will "start reviewing applications" on October 15.

Anonymous said...

What is FSU IR job? Looking on their site and cannot find. If someone could post link would appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

The FSU job is posted on ejobs, #16658. The deadline was 9/15, but it includes the boilerplate that review would "continue until the position is filled." Don't know how true this is.

Anonymous said...

Can you please correct the board? The Rutgers New Brunswick IPE job is open to ABDs, recent PhDs, Assistant Professors, or Associate Professors.

Anonymous said...

Assistant Professor of Political Science
St. John Fisher College
Rochester, NY

Pending final budget approval, the Department of Political Science at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, NY invites applications for the tenure-track position of Assistant Professor of Political Science in the field of Comparative Politics. The appointment begins September 1, 2011.

Preference will be given to applicants who can teach the introductory course in Comparative Politics, European Politics, the Senior Seminar, or the 100 level course on Writing & Research in Political Science. A secondary subfield in public policy, law, or a secondary regional strength is highly desirable.

The successful applicant also will participate in the College's Freshmen Learning Communities; be responsible for Department's European Union Simulation; and, if in possession of the necessary subfield expertise, support the Department's Legal Studies Major by teaching one or more relevant law related courses emphasizing a comparative politics perspective.

The position is open to all specializations in Comparative Politics However in a Department consisting of four full-time faculty members, successful applicant will need to be a "classroom generalist."

An earned doctorate in Political Science is required. ABDs who can demonstrate completion of their dissertation prior to September 1, 2011 appointment date will be considered.

To receive full consideration, applicants are asked to electronically submit a curriculum vitae, a letter describing their qualifications and interest in this position, and statements of their teaching philosophy and brief research interests to: All requested materials must be received by December 20, 2010.

Additional information including academic transcripts and three letters of recommendation may be sent directly to: Lin Mocejunas, St. John Fisher College, 3690 East Ave, Rochester NY 14618 or electronically to For more information on St. John Fisher College, please visit our website at

Anonymous said...

What do (C) and (L) mean?

Anonymous said...

C = Confirmed
L = Likely
R = Rumored

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

The Colorado-Boulder entry for interviews scheduled is in the wrong column.

Anonymous said...

Moderators, Is the "Marymount" you have listed, with interviews scheduled, Marymount Manhattan?

Anonymous said...

There is no international environmental policy position at CU-Boulder. Interviews for the regular IR position have been scheduled.

Anonymous said...

Wow, UNT has 2 assistants interviewing for the Maryland job.

Anonymous said...

UC Irvine has announced they are hiring (IPE)

Anonymous said...

Marquette has announced a tenure-track IR search in IL/IO. It is posted on the APSA ejobs site, but details are also available at:

Anonymous said...

The University of Toledo is setting up phone interviews in the next couple of days. Should that go on the board?

Anonymous said...

William and Mary is doing campus interviews for its IR/Environment job.

Anonymous said...

Any word on Toledo? They finish their phone interviews? Invites? No news anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Got an answer to my own Toledo question. Interviews are being scheduled. Thought others might care to know.

Anonymous said...

University of Nevada, Reno has a short list. Source: email to candidates from the university.

Anonymous said...

Any news on the IR/CP Assoc. or Full position at the University of Kentucky?

UC Prof said...

Pacific Lutheran is rumored to be interviewing - no names mentioned.

UC Prof said...

UC Merced is interviewing. Names forthcoming...

Anonymous said...

I can confirm the Pacific Lutheran rumor as one of my students is interviewing there.

Anonymous said...

Any word on Bridgewater State? Are they done with phone interviews?

Anonymous said...

Naval Postgraduate School has begun the interview process. Source: emailed rejection.

Anonymous said...

Any news on Berkeley, Pitt, or Denver (the latter two of which do not seem to be listed on the tally board)?

Anonymous said...

The New school is conducting a round of phone interviews

Anonymous said...

FSU offer out

Anonymous said...

^That offer has been accepted.

Anonymous said...

Pacific Lutheran has wrapped up its TT IR search. Source: Emailed rejection, the wording of which suggested they have made an offer.

Anonymous said...

You are missing the job at UMass Boston -

Open to many IR fields.

Anonymous said...

Any word on Rutgers Newark?

UC Prof said...

UC Merced is finishing interviews/job talks: Levine (Vanderbilt), Hibbing (Illinois), and Nall (Harvard).

Anonymous said...

Tulane IPE search has concluded. Offer has been decided on, though I'm not sure if the committee chair had time to make the call this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

You are missing Drew University (IR) and Seton Hall

Anonymous said...

Whitworth University had a CP/IR position that just closed.

Anonymous said...

What's up with the 2 (Univ. of) Georgia posts? Are those the same position?

Anonymous said...

No, the Georgia positions are different.

Anonymous said...

Received email that Colby College has offered job to other applicant and search is clsoed.

IR Rumor Mill said...

If anyone has links to the position listings for the Seton Hall and Drew University IR positions, please post them or e-mail them to us. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Princeton IR has made an offer to an advanced assistant.

Anonymous said...

Toronto made an offer to an ABD

Anonymous said...

DePauw position has been filled. Source: email to applicant pool

IR Rumor Mill said...

Which Toronto position?

Anonymous said...

Both offers out for Princeton

Anonymous said...

MSU has completed its IR/LA search. Source: e-mail to applicant pool.

Anonymous said...

Any info on the UNC positions?

Anonymous said...

Siena filled its position. Rejection letter/email.

Anonymous said...

Wellesley interviewed 5 and made an offer (to Paul MacDonald at Williams).

Anonymous said...

Mt Holyoke has filled its position.
Source: a delightful email.

Anonymous said...

American University hired David Bosco (IOs) and Matthew Taylor (transnational crime and corruption).

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mt. Holyoke has filled its position, the info on that, along with many other jobs is here:

It seems to be well ahead of the IR Rumor Mill this year.

IR Rumor Mill said...

The wiki will always be ahead of the IR Rumor Mill, as it is unmoderated.

Anonymous said...

Grinnell has made an offer for its IR/comparative position, and the candidate accepted it.

Source: email from department chair

Anonymous said...

RE: UC Irvine IPE- 3 candidates.

Anonymous said...

UMass-Amherst has hired Kevin Young.

Anonymous said...

I don't see the University of Pittsburgh on the tally board. They've got (or had) four IR searches going on.

Anonymous said...

University of Portland (IR/CP) hired.
Source: Poorly written rejection email.

Anonymous said...

Presbyterian College has moved to the on campus interview stage.
Source: Rejection email.

Anonymous said...

Could someone post the poorly written UPortland rejection email?

Anonymous said...

Here is the email. First off, I guess there never is a good way to say you were not selected but starting the message with "Greetings!" is not one of them.


Greetings! Our committee spent the last couple of months discussing and deliberating potential colleagues for our open department position. Very much we thank you for considering University of Portland. It was a privilege to include your file in our search but we have decided to hire another candidate who best fits our immediate needs within the department.

We hope that you find other opportunities and successes in the near future.

Yours truly,


Lauretta Frederking, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Political Science

University of Portland

5000 N. Willamette Blvd.

Portland, OR 97203

Anonymous said...

A couple of missing jobs, 1) UMass Amherst-Global Politics/US Foreign Policy, 2)George Mason University-Global Governance/Human Security, 3) Arcadia University-IR, 4)Delaware State University-International politics

Anonymous said...

Dominican (IR/CP) hired, source: hired a friend of mine

Anonymous said...

Did Yoda write this sentence?
"Very much we thank you for considering University of Portland."

Anonymous said...

Mt Mercy job filled

UC Prof said...

And here's Reed College's e-mail. They are at the short list stage. It is a bit more gracious than the Portland e-mail:

I am writing to let you know that the Political Science Search
Committee has selected a short list for the tenure-track position.
Although the position has not yet been filled, I am writing to let
you and approximately 300 other people know that you were not among
the finalists. I do this with regret. We received many applications that demanded our serious consideration. In the end, I hope we succeeded in constructing a list of people whose interests and
strengths best complement those of our small department. I want to
thank you for your interest in Reed College. You have our best
wishes for your future career.

Best regards,

Darius Rejali, Chair

Political Science Search Committee

Anonymous said...

Texas A&M has made offers.

Anonymous said...

On the Georgia Tech European Politics position, I can confirm the position was offered to Alasdair Young and he accepted.

Anonymous said...

Northern Illinois (IR/Security) hired Seung-Whan Choi (AP at U. Illinois, Chicago and Missouri PhD). Source: Rejection letter sent.

Anonymous said...

Enze Han (GWU) took the Dominican CP/IR job.

Anonymous said...

St. John Fisher College is hiring CP/IR. They are interviewing now.

Anonymous said...

What news on the University of Georgia positions?

Anonymous said...

Paul Poast declined TAMU, took Rutgers. Erica Owen took TAMU.

Anonymous said...

Florida Southern College (IR/EU) is at the final stage of interviews. Source: rejection letter from the chair.

Anonymous said...

Rutgers Newark hired Moncada (Brown University)

Anonymous said...

UC Merced hired Hibbing (Illinois).

Anonymous said...

Skidmore is still interviewing for its Middle East/South Asia search.

Anonymous said...

UC Irvine decided not to hire any of the IPE candidates. Again.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please confirm/provide some information on the UC Irvine IPE hiring decision (or refusal to hire decision)? That seems kind of strange, or is it just me? Why go through the hassle of a job search and refuse to make a hire?

Anonymous said...

Department of Political Science at the University of Utah invites applications for a tenure-track position. The position is in International Relations and/or Comparative Politics, specializing in International Organizations and the comparative politics of Europe. Closing date is March 18, 2011. See APSA e-jobs for complete listing.

Anonymous said...

The Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh has hired Luke Condra and Ryan Grauer in its IR-Security Studies search. Negotiations are in progress with one senior candidate.

Anonymous said...

When will the tally board be updated?

Anonymous said...

Did the person who was offered the senior post at Denver take the job?

Anonymous said...

As of a couple of weeks ago Denver was still in negotiations regarding their senior offer.

Anonymous said...

Pitt's other senior Hire was Michael Kenney.