Thursday, November 03, 2005

Georgia State University Interviews

[Anonymous 2005-11-03] Saleyhan (ucsd) is also interviewing at Georgia St.
[Anonymous 2006-01-12] Georgia State University has called a second round of candidates for interviews. They will take place in the next few weeks.
[Anonymous 2006-01-17] Gibler (Kentucky) and Dan Morey (Iowa) are finalists at Georgia State and are interviewing during the next few weeks.
[Anonymous 2006-01-18] I thought Salehyan had an offer from GA State. Any news on that?
[Anonymous 2006-01-18] Salehyan rejected GSU's offer, he accepted an offer at North Texas.
[2006-02-03] Sources at Kentucky tell me that Gibler has a couple of offers, including one from Georgia State University.
[2006-02-14] If Gibler turns GSU down they would most likely make an offer to their number 2 choice from the last group they interviewed.
[2006-02-21] Interesting about Gibler, I heard today that GSU was still waiting on his reply to their offer.
[2006-02-21] RE: the 6:43pm post above... Georgia State made an offer to their #2 candidate last week, so my guess is that you are misinformed.
[2006-02-26] GSU has an offer out to Morey
[2006-02-27] Heard third hand, Morey accepted GSU offer.
[2006-02-27] I heard third hand that Morey accepted the Virginia Tech job after only a phone interview.
[2006-03-01] While I am flattered with all of the attention, Dan Morey has NOT accepted any offers at this point.

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