Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Yale University Interviews

[Anonymous 2005-11-02]
Some Yale search people on the web.
Junior Initiative Search Candidate: Susan Hyde, Ph.D., expected 2006, University of California, San Diego: Observing Norms: Explaining the Causes and Consequences of Internationally Monitored Elections.
[Anonymous 2005-11-15] Shuhei Kurizaki (Harvard/UCLA) also has an interview at Yale.
[Anonymous 2005-11-15] Third person....Susan Hyde accepted an offer from Yale.
[Anonymous 2005-11-15] I heard from a source at Yale that Susan Hyde is considering an offer but has not yet acceptd. The previous post appears premature.
[Anonymous 2005-12-07] Susan Hyde officially accepted the offer at Yale (second-hand from a Yale source).
[2006-02-01] The posting about Yale may be a bit misleading; they are/were [in mid-December] soliciting junior applicants who combine international political economy and quantitative methods.
[2006-02-01] If the person who asked about Yale's Japan search is still around, they're doing interviews now. Yesterday's job talk, by Philip Lipscy, was definitely more IR than CP.
[2006-02-22] Dunning accepted at Yale, too.

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