Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Warren Wilson College

[Department Website][APSA elisting(requires membership)] The Department of History and Political Science at Warren Wilson College invites applications for a full-time, one-year sabbatical replacement in the field of comparative government (non-European). Candidates should be able to teach a broad range of courses, including an issue-oriented course on the politics of development and upper level courses within their field of specialization. Area specialization is open, but the department has a preference for Asia, Africa, or the Middle East. Course load is three four-credit courses per semester. Ph.D. preferred; ABD considered. College-level teaching experience required. Warren Wilson College is an independent liberal arts college located in the Blue Ridge Mountains on the edge of Asheville, North Carolina. The college offers a triad education program combining study, work, and service. For more information, please consult our web page at: . We desire a diverse faculty and a community that reflects a global outlook. We particularly invite applications from women and members of ethnic minorities or other groups historically underrepresented in academia Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, official graduate transcripts, and three letters of reference to Dr. John Casey, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, Warren Wilson College, P.O. Box 9000, Asheville, NC 28815-9000. Review of applications will begin February 17, 2006, and continue until the position is filled.