Tuesday, November 15, 2005

University of Illinois-Springfield

[Department Website][APSA elisting(requires membership)] ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, POLITICAL STUDIES The Political Studies Program seeks to hire a faculty member who is broadly trained in international relations; preference will be given to those applicants with expertise in international political economy and international organizations. It will be highly desirable that candidates be able to teach a course or courses on regional politics, either in East Asia or Europe (this may include the study of regional organizations.) The person who fills this position will be expected to teach and advise both undergraduate and graduate courses. Experience teaching a diverse population of students and a desire to engage in innovation in teaching, service and scholarship are desirable. The course load is 3 courses per semester. Finally, the faculty member will also have the responsibility for serving as faculty adviser for the Model United Nations Club, which includes accompanying a delegation to the national conference in New York City each spring. Requirements for the position include a Ph.D. in hand at the time one assumes the position (August 2006), a letter of application, and three letters of recommendation. UIS is an institution that follows the “teacher-scholar” model: while excellence in teaching is required; faculty are also expected to pursue an agenda of active scholarship. Send letter of application addressing qualifications, vita, and names and addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of at least three current references to Professor Stephen Schwark, Chair, Political Studies Search Committee, University of Illinois at Springfield, Public Affairs Center 366, One University Plaza, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5407. Review of applications will begin December 31, 2005 and continue until position is filled. UIS is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

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