UMass Amherst talks are under way, and are scheduled to continue through the end of the semester (several lines being filled). No idea whether this means the committee is finished contacting people, or whether it just got off to an early start w/ interviews.
Michigan has a short list and the search committees have made recommendations to the department. Invitations expected to go out probably early next week. That information is firm. What's less certain is when the visits will occur; my impression is that they'd like to move as rapidly as possible and maybe even before the end of term break if possible. 4 or 5 searches though so they'll have to stagger the visits a little bit; some may straggle over into next term.
"Leeds was invited to interview at Duke, but declined the interview... She withdrew her candidacy several weeks (maybe even a month) before the interview. (1st hand information)"
[We received a comment rejecting the motives offered as explanations in the earlier post, and have decided it is probably best not to let this discussion go forward.
Everyone so far, including the individual who's comments we rejected, has kept it clean. But we think this is far enough down the path to call an end to the discussion.]
Northwestern: They indeed contacted candidates for interviews. Two of the invitations went to Kathleen Cunningham from UCSD and Boaz Atzili for MIT (now in Belfer). Source is 2nd hand, but a reliable one.
I thought Tulane extended its deadline to December 1st. Is that true? Normally, that means that there is not someone like Mendelsohn in the candidate pool.
I thought Tulane extended its deadline to December 1st. Is that true? Normally, that means that there is not someone like Mendelsohn in the candidate pool.
First, perhaps Mendelsohn was the only candidate they liked out of the applications they had received, so they extended the deadline in the hopes of finding some competition.
Second, the word "normally" should be used with considerable trepidation when describing anything on the job market.
Not to be specific about any candidates, but the guy with the most interviews has apparently accepted a position since he just turned down an interview that had already been scheduled due to accepting an offer.
Here's our dilemma: if the rumor is correct then we think it is appropriate to post that someone accepted a job; the danger is if the rumor is wrong. It is the latter situation we want to avoid. The best way to solve this is if candidates simply contact us directly when they take an offer. Alternative: backchannel us at our gmail account and we'll contact the candidate for confirmation.
Are you sure that person has accepted a position? I think that no names should be named unless the IR rumor mill admin gets in touch with the person directly to confirm. Otherwise damage could be done.
This is an easily solved issue. The administrator can email the candidate directly and ask.
Yale: JOB TALK: Jennifer Rubenstein, Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2005: How Not to Think about International Aid. Candidate for the Junior Initiative Search.
JOB TALK: Scott Raditz, Ph.D., MIT, 2006: It takes More than a Village: Mobilization, Networks, and the State in Central Asia. Candidate for the Junior Initiative Search
JOB TALK: Julia Gray, Ph.D., UCLA, 2007: The Company You Keep: How Membership in International Institutions Can Make Developing Countries Look Less Risky. Candidate for the Junior Initiative Search.
the only thing worse than a grammar smartass is an incorrect grammar smartass. "Both" can be an adjective or a pronoun (or a conjunction). In the sentence above, it was used as a pronoun.
I've heard that a number of R1's are likely freezing their searches until next year given the relatively few applications received. Is there any confirmation that this has occurred with any schools yet?
Relatively few applications? I doubt that. They may not have found the right applicants according to their criteria, but I doubt there was a lack of demand for the positions.
No, but since a reasonably small number of folks interviewed at what I would consider a relatively wide number of places, we can probably infer that it wasn't seen as a great year. One friend I know (who has asked me specifically not to use his/her name in this forum) had nearly a dozen R1 interviews, and went up against the same 5-6 folks in various combinations.
Coz R1s have the herd mentality. 200+ people applying and they all interview the same people because, well they heard that he/she is also in the shortlist of another R1. Not very "scientific", eh?
I don't think the "herd mentality" accusation is fair. Faculty at highly ranked departments have similar tastes. I don't think they knew what other departments were doing when they made their decisions, even if they were readin this blog.
As a member of the search committee in a top 10 R1, I can say with certainty that for this N=1, there is no herd mentality. We read the files, made our choices and, lo and behold, magically ended up with a list on which several names apparently made it on many other lists. Distinguishing what is considered desirable at such an institution is not as hard as people seem to think it is. We make mistakes, true, but we're likely to be biased in the same way as others. In other words, it's a 'herd mentality' only in the sense that there's apparently much more commonality of standards than we're prepared to admit.
12:02 is right on the money. I'm on a search committee at a top-25 R1. It's neither coincidence nor a herd mentality that explains why there's a small group of people being interviewed at lots of places.
If you could see their files, you'd understand. Some files really are more impressive than others.
I think there may also be more of a "commonality of standards" in IR than in the other fields. In Comparative, for example, the quantitative/qualitative and area studies/generalist divides are much larger. As a result, even top-shelf candidates will receive fewer offers because they are unacceptable to a large number of places.
To 1:42 and 1:58: unlikely anyone has accepted the Penn offers. It is still early in the season, and candiates may be waiting to hear back from other places, too.
What's the source on Brandeis and Swarthmore? I've heard from both early this week (one that they needed my letters asap in time for the search committee meeting at the end of the week and two that the search committee had a list but no decision yet) via email and was told that the meetings to determine who to interview had not yet commenced.
"I've heard that a number of R1's are likely freezing their searches until next year given the relatively few applications received. Is there any confirmation that this has occurred with any schools yet?"
Was there any more information on this? True? Schools?
Re 6:14 on Brandeis and Swarthmore, the Brandeis list is four (3 assistant profs. and 1 ABD) and Swarthmore has at least 2 ABDs (one from UCLA and one from Harvard)
Candidates, University of Toronto, IR Search: Jacques Hymans (Asst. Prof., Smith College) Séverine Autesserre (Post-Doc Associate, Yale) Wendy Wong (PhD candidate, University of California, San Diego) Alexandra Gheciu (Research Fellow, Oxford)
Kentucky had two short lists (quant versus qual) is inviting in candidates from both. Invites have gone out and interviews are this week and next. Several offers have been made in American. No acceptances yet.
U Rhode Island is meeting to make a decision at the end of this week, extending an offer next week on the CP and IR jobs. There is an inside candidate (current lecturer)for the IR job (among others), and 3 women under consideration for the CP job. source: first hand from search committee
To respond to the two requests for info about U Michigan - to my knowledge, there is one designated IR line. THAT SAID, there are some other ways that they are trying to leverage the existing set of lines into more positions than the advertised 5 (joint appointments, multi-field appointments, target-of-opportunity hire, spousals, etc.) I believe at least one of the people being considered for the methodology position has IR as a substantive field; those interviews haven't been announced yet.
Both current interviewees for "the IR search" are mid-to-senior (one would be tenured if offered, one not but on an accelerated track - I think). I know who the second interviewee is but it's not public information yet, so I can't say without jeopardizing my ability to add other information later.
Michigan appears to have 1 jr. comparative slot, for which it is interviewing Danziger and Yadav, and 1 sr. slot (some have speculated about the funding source, but I have no information on that), for which it is interviewing Tsebelis. No other CP interviews (R. Anderson is not a comparativist).
1 – 200 of 226 Newer› Newest»McGill has made up its short list and has started inviting candidates (more than 3) for their job.
Any idea who the McGill job candidates are?
UMass Amherst talks are under way, and are scheduled to continue through the end of the semester (several lines being filled). No idea whether this means the committee is finished contacting people, or whether it just got off to an early start w/ interviews.
Michigan has a short list and the search committees have made recommendations to the department. Invitations expected to go out probably early next week. That information is firm. What's less certain is when the visits will occur; my impression is that they'd like to move as rapidly as possible and maybe even before the end of term break if possible. 4 or 5 searches though so they'll have to stagger the visits a little bit; some may straggle over into next term.
Bucknell has contacted people for interviews.
Are the Michigan searches in conjunction with the Public Policy School?
Michigan here. No these are the Poli Sci searches. Ford is entirely separate at this stage.
Vassar candidate here--who else is out there?
anyone hear anything about Lehigh? or Corcordia College in Moorhead?
Vasser candidate: if you expect the other candidates to make themselves known, while you remain anonymous, your understanding of reciprocity is poor.
Anybody hear about Idaho State?
Has UTAustin/LBJ school called candidates yet?
McGill has invited
Jo (that's the last name, folks)
source: 2nd hand
Illinois State did phone interviews on Nov. 2--still haven't heard back re: campus visit. Anyone else get a call back?
Anybody hear about University of Wisconsin Green Bay?
2nd hand: Duke is bringing Leeds and Walter.
The McGill list is correct, and it is the female H. Jo of Michigan.
Any news from Claremont McKenna?
Elsewhere it has been reported that shortly before her interview at Duke Brett Ashley Leeds removed herself from the market.
Princeton has made decisions and has scheduled talks in the IR search.
Claremont McKenna has a short list, a short-short list, and has invited its three short-short list candidates for talks.
"Leeds was invited to interview at Duke, but declined the interview... She withdrew her candidacy several weeks (maybe even a month) before the interview. (1st hand information)"
[We received a comment rejecting the motives offered as explanations in the earlier post, and have decided it is probably best not to let this discussion go forward.
Everyone so far, including the individual who's comments we rejected, has kept it clean. But we think this is far enough down the path to call an end to the discussion.]
anyone hear anything about Barnard College?
What's going on with Northwestern? Just got the AA card today. Have they made any calls/scheduled interviews?
Tufts has made at least one interview invitation.
Does anybody know if Ohio State has a junior position in addition to the senior one, and if so, what’s the status of this position?
I just got the AA from Northwestern too. I believe there is a rumor out there that the current status is first round interviews.
I got the AA card from GW after already seeing the list, so I would not rely on that :)
From the "New" (meaning previous and now old) list:
"Anonymous said...
Northwestern has contacted for 1st round.
1:32 PM, November 14, 2006"
And AA cards in general mean absolutely nothing.
Also, another call for folks adding the sources (non-specifically) of your information, pretty please.
They indeed contacted candidates for interviews. Two of the invitations went to Kathleen Cunningham from UCSD and Boaz Atzili for MIT (now in Belfer).
Source is 2nd hand, but a reliable one.
American U SIS:
Elizabeth Saunders is a candidate for a tenure-track faculty position in the US Foreign Policy Field.
I can confirm the Northwestern interviews.
Any news on Lafayette, Yeshiva, or Fordham?
Barak Mendelsohn (Cornell) is interviewing at Tulane
According to their newsletter, UConn has scheduled at least some of its job talks.
I thought Tulane extended its deadline to December 1st. Is that true? Normally, that means that there is not someone like Mendelsohn in the candidate pool.
Tulane is dealing with post-Katrina defections this year, and has multiple lines.
I thought Tulane extended its deadline to December 1st. Is that true? Normally, that means that there is not someone like Mendelsohn in the candidate pool.
First, perhaps Mendelsohn was the only candidate they liked out of the applications they had received, so they extended the deadline in the hopes of finding some competition.
Second, the word "normally" should be used with considerable trepidation when describing anything on the job market.
Any info on the identity of those on the Princeton list?
V. Krustev is interviewing at UCSD
Anyone else interviewing at UCSD?
Krustev and Thyne both interviewed at TAMU. Did TAMU make an offer to someone else?
Any Word on North Dakota IR search?
Any information on Toronto?
Anyone know whoelse Tulane is bringing in?
Washington & Lee has made an offer.
Has anybody heard anything about Tufts?
DePauw is holding phone interviews.
I heard rumors (but not first hand)that Tufts invited first round for interview.
Missouri has scheduled interviews.
Any news on Swarthmore?
First hand: Leblang, Walter and Pahre are interviewing at Duke.
Tufts has made invitations. From a friend of one of the invited candidates.
Interviews were scheduled at Tufts for the IR or Comparative (E. Europe) or both?
Is Mendelsohn interviewing for Tulane IR or open rank foreign policy post?
Maryland job interviews:
Source: department newsletter (
Southern Indiana?
At 5:35pm:
The newsletter in that link is for November, there are also talks scheduled in December.
Southern Indiana was calling people this week for campus interviews.
Texas A&M (Bush School) has made an offer.
Not to be specific about any candidates, but the guy with the most interviews has apparently accepted a position since he just turned down an interview that had already been scheduled due to accepting an offer.
Source: Departmental email
You wouldn't happen to be able to designate (without using the candidates name) what school that offer came from?
Note: we rejected a comment that asked for the same clarification but also named names (even though that part of the comment was in part, in jest).
The dept email did not specify where he is going, just that he has accepted a position. Sorry not to provide any more illumination here.
Admin, mightn't this be a case where naming the name has benefits that outweigh the risks?
Here's our dilemma: if the rumor is correct then we think it is appropriate to post that someone accepted a job; the danger is if the rumor is wrong. It is the latter situation we want to avoid. The best way to solve this is if candidates simply contact us directly when they take an offer. Alternative: backchannel us at our gmail account and we'll contact the candidate for confirmation.
Are you sure that person has accepted a position? I think that no names should be named unless the IR rumor mill admin gets in touch with the person directly to confirm. Otherwise damage could be done.
This is an easily solved issue. The administrator can email the candidate directly and ask.
What is the gmail account address? I have some information I would like to backchannel.
Remove the hashes and dollar signs and translate the brackets. Sorry to be obsure; we get enough spam as it is.
Anything on Boston University?
Virginia has extended an offer.
Source: Departmental e-mail
Boston University has scheduled interviews.
Any idea about names for Boston University?
Robert Pahre (who was scheduled to give a talk at Duke on Nov 29- Dec 1) has just removed himself from consideration for the position.
JOB TALK: Jennifer Rubenstein, Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2005: How Not to Think about International Aid. Candidate for the Junior Initiative Search.
JOB TALK: Scott Raditz, Ph.D., MIT, 2006: It takes More than a Village: Mobilization, Networks, and the State in Central Asia. Candidate for the Junior Initiative Search
JOB TALK: Julia Gray, Ph.D., UCLA, 2007: The Company You Keep: How Membership in International Institutions Can Make Developing Countries Look Less Risky. Candidate for the Junior Initiative Search.
We redacted an email above that, if genuine, confirms 2 junior-level and one senior-level offer at Penn.
Did both candidates at Cornell decline offers, or did Cornell decline to offer anybody a job?
Does the posting on the main webpage mean that Kroenig has accepted Georgetown's offer?
Our understanding is that the latter is the case: the subject in the sentence is "both", not the object.
Both is an adjective, it cannot be either the subject or object.
We apologize for our grammatically challenged compatriot.
Or, as the saying goes, "D'oh!"
the only thing worse than a grammar smartass is an incorrect grammar smartass. "Both" can be an adjective or a pronoun (or a conjunction). In the sentence above, it was used as a pronoun.
I'm not trying to be a smartass (and not the author of post above); I'm just confused.
So, should the table on page 1 read "No offers made" or "Dept declined to extend offers."
Or, should the table read "Both candidates [subject] declined offers [object]"?
Not trying to be nitpicky. Just tell us what happened please. :)
Changed to "Both Candidates Declined Offers." Both of the candidates, we understand, declined offers. So the position is unfilled.
Soo, are you saying that Cornell decided not to hire either of those candidates?
Just kidding :)
North Dakota?
Any information on Princeton interviews? Who are they bringing out?
Is there any news on Lehigh?
Re: North Dakota, I know someone who was short-listed but that was over a month ago, and they have heard nada since.
Re: 2:55 pm
Yes. Kroenig accepted a position at Georgetown. I heard that his fiancee works in D.C.
re: Cornell
So0, does this mean that they will go back into their pool, or does it mean they forfeit the search for a year?
I've heard that a number of R1's are likely freezing their searches until next year given the relatively few applications received. Is there any confirmation that this has occurred with any schools yet?
Illinois state (IR/USFP) is/has set up on campus interviews.
Still no word on Barnard?
Michael Horowitz has an talk at Princeton. Also someone from UCLA I think.
Barnard has already finished all four of its interviews.
Relatively few applications? I doubt that. They may not have found the right applicants according to their criteria, but I doubt there was a lack of demand for the positions.
No, but since a reasonably small number of folks interviewed at what I would consider a relatively wide number of places, we can probably infer that it wasn't seen as a great year. One friend I know (who has asked me specifically not to use his/her name in this forum) had nearly a dozen R1 interviews, and went up against the same 5-6 folks in various combinations.
Coz R1s have the herd mentality. 200+ people applying and they all interview the same people because, well they heard that he/she is also in the shortlist of another R1. Not very "scientific", eh?
I don't think the "herd mentality" accusation is fair. Faculty at highly ranked departments have similar tastes. I don't think they knew what other departments were doing when they made their decisions, even if they were readin this blog.
Hey all: could you migrate this discussion over to the Job Market thread? Thanks.
Von Stein is interviewing at Stanford
University of Texas-Austin has made an offer (secondhand knowledge)
Penn is definitely making two junior level offers and one senior level offer.
Source: Department email
Idaho State?
The UT offer listed above... is it in Govt or LBJ?
LBJ has only now started scheduling interviews, so I presume it's Gov't.
As a member of the search committee in a top 10 R1, I can say with certainty that for this N=1, there is no herd mentality. We read the files, made our choices and, lo and behold, magically ended up with a list on which several names apparently made it on many other lists. Distinguishing what is considered desirable at such an institution is not as hard as people seem to think it is. We make mistakes, true, but we're likely to be biased in the same way as others. In other words, it's a 'herd mentality' only in the sense that there's apparently much more commonality of standards than we're prepared to admit.
12:02 is right on the money. I'm on a search committee at a top-25 R1. It's neither coincidence nor a herd mentality that explains why there's a small group of people being interviewed at lots of places.
If you could see their files, you'd understand. Some files really are more impressive than others.
Has anyone accepted an offer at UPenn?
I think there may also be more of a "commonality of standards" in IR than in the other fields. In Comparative, for example, the quantitative/qualitative and area studies/generalist divides are much larger. As a result, even top-shelf candidates will receive fewer offers because they are unacceptable to a large number of places.
This discussion is going on in the Job Market Discussion thread. Hope to see you there.
Has anyone accepted an offer at UPenn?
Paul Vasquez (Notre Dame) has a campus interview at Hamilton College.
Any news on Texas State-San Marcos?
U Michigan's world politics invitees are both at the mid- to senior level. Al Stam's talk has been announced.
Any chance we could learn who else is Michigan bringing in?
U Vermont canceled their search (first hand, received an email today).
Tulane? Was Mendelsohn offered a position? Did they bring anyone else in? What line were they trying to fill with Mendelshon.
Mendelsohn hasn't interviewed yet (first hand info). He's scheduled to interview next week for the international security position.
Both Brandeis and Swarthmore have scheduled talks.
Has the University of Delaware scheduled interviews?
Does anyone know anything about Yeshiva?
Any news on the two positions at the University of Miami?
What's happening at Claremont McKenna?
Claremont Mc Kenna has its 3 candidates, but the semester ends next week, so don't expect movement until after the New Year.
To 1:42 and 1:58: unlikely anyone has accepted the Penn offers. It is still early in the season, and candiates may be waiting to hear back from other places, too.
Delaware has scheduled interviews.
Source: friend of someone with an interview
What's the source on Brandeis and Swarthmore? I've heard from both early this week (one that they needed my letters asap in time for the search committee meeting at the end of the week and two that the search committee had a list but no decision yet) via email and was told that the meetings to determine who to interview had not yet commenced.
any news on UMich junior interviews? How many lines do they have?
Westminster College has made an offer to someone.
Ripon College has conducted campus interviews.
Any information on the job at Belmont?
Mississippi State? Oklahoma State?
Does anyone have confirmation that candidates were invited to Georgia State or Marquette? These were posted a while back, but never validated.
has Claremont contacted the people selected for interviews?
Re: Claremont. Yes, job talks are scheduled. The department does not hold public job talks, which is why you don't see them on the calendar.
Does anyone know who the "R. Anderson" and "G. Tsibelis" listed for the Michigan position are?
Re:1:23 PM, November 28, 2006
"I've heard that a number of R1's are likely freezing their searches until next year given the relatively few applications received. Is there any confirmation that this has occurred with any schools yet?"
Was there any more information on this? True? Schools?
"G. Tsibilis" is probably George Tsebelis (UCLA). Not really sure what he's doing on the IR Rumor Mill, though.
Re 6:14 on Brandeis and Swarthmore, the Brandeis list is four (3 assistant profs. and 1 ABD) and Swarthmore has at least 2 ABDs (one from UCLA and one from Harvard)
If we receive comparative politics information, we'll post it. But only if it is confirmed.
Re a couple of the Middle East jobs: William & Mary and Dickinson College have made offers.
Source: first-hand from candidates.
There is a Robert Anderson from Stanford that's had a few interviews, but I thought he was American, not IR.
Can confirm that Marquette has scheduled interviews. Arkansas has also scheduled interviews.
Miami Political Science has completed its interviews.
Miami International Studies has scheduled its 5 interviews.
Anything on what Columbia's up to?
Any news about the HEI Geneva job that was advertised on APSA E-Jobs?
Candidates, University of Toronto, IR Search:
Jacques Hymans (Asst. Prof., Smith College)
Séverine Autesserre (Post-Doc Associate, Yale)
Wendy Wong (PhD candidate, University of California, San Diego)
Alexandra Gheciu (Research Fellow, Oxford)
Any word on CSU-Chico?
News on Hofstra?
Columbia IPE job talks are Jong Hee Park and Julia Gray
Whatever happened with the Buffalo and Kentucky searches? Any word on those two?
Confirmed: Mark Hallerberg will give a job talk at Essex.
Kentucky had two short lists (quant versus qual) is inviting in candidates from both. Invites have gone out and interviews are this week and next. Several offers have been made in American. No acceptances yet.
Re: 12:08 Columbia IPE interviews... That's for IPE. They have another, general search, any news on that?
Hallerberg talk at Essex is not a job talk.
Well, that's not what at least one Essex faculty member said not long ago.
That may have been a case of wishful thinking...similar to thinking that Colchester is a nice place to live.
Columbia released a schedule of all the upcoming job talks and there are no IR candidates save the two IPE ones.
Ohio has begun scheduling interviews
Ohio State?? Jr. or Sr.?
No, I believe 8:35 is referring to the University of Ohio, in Athens (a much smaller school).
Ohio University.
North Dakota had campus interviews for their IR position.
Washington & Lee has sent out rejection letters for their IR search.
Source: me, who received one. (On the positive side, it was a rather nice letter promptly sent and wished me happy holidays.)
Can anyone report on departments that have halted/moved to next year their searches without hiring anyone?
North Dakota has made an offer.
Source: second hand from the candidate.
U Rhode Island is meeting to make a decision at the end of this week, extending an offer next week on the CP and IR jobs. There is an inside candidate (current lecturer)for the IR job (among others), and 3 women under consideration for the CP job. source: first hand from search committee
Anything from Yeshiva?
Any word on York and SFU in Canada?
To respond to the two requests for info about U Michigan - to my knowledge, there is one designated IR line. THAT SAID, there are some other ways that they are trying to leverage the existing set of lines into more positions than the advertised 5 (joint appointments, multi-field appointments, target-of-opportunity hire, spousals, etc.) I believe at least one of the people being considered for the methodology position has IR as a substantive field; those interviews haven't been announced yet.
Both current interviewees for "the IR search" are mid-to-senior (one would be tenured if offered, one not but on an accelerated track - I think). I know who the second interviewee is but it's not public information yet, so I can't say without jeopardizing my ability to add other information later.
Thanks 8:14 am. Any idea about the Comparative positions at UMich? How many junior/senior lines do they have?
Middlebury's offer was declined. The offer was to J. Castillo who accepted the position at Texas A&M (Bush School) instead.
Source: first hand from the candidate
Catholic University of America?
Michigan appears to have 1 jr. comparative slot, for which it is interviewing Danziger and Yadav, and 1 sr. slot (some have speculated about the funding source, but I have no information on that), for which it is interviewing Tsebelis. No other CP interviews (R. Anderson is not a comparativist).
Murray State?
Idaho State?
Concordia Moorhead? River Forest?
Is the Michigan R. Anderson, Richard Anderson (UCLA)?
Thanks 6:55,appreciate the information. I guess I can cross MI off my list.
What ever ended happening with Haverford? There was a rumor about Mendelsohn, but it never ended up on the Big Board. Any news on what happened?
Haverford interviewed five candidates (information on the talks is available online)and is likely to make an offer in the upcoming week.
Does anyone know if there was a final outocme on the Lewis & Clark IO job? It has been on the board forever, with no definite info.
Where is the online information about Haverford?
Just received Barnard-Columbia letter saying the IR job has been offered to someone.
I got the same letter from Barnard. But any idea who interviewed or was offered the position? My congratulations to the successful applicant.
Anyone heard anything about Sweet Briar?
Any word on Denison or East Carolina?
East Carolina made an offer
Which position at East Carolina? (I thought that there were two positions open)
Is Tulane interviewing for its Asst/Assoc Foreign Policy position? Any news?
U. Rhode Island has made IR and comparative offers--source: first hand (candidate).
Who got the URI offer? Vasquez?
I did not get the offer for Rhode Island, but congratulations to the person who did! Paul Vasquez
Tulane still has not invited people for the foreign policy position
Any news on McGill?
McGill will make a decision this week.
Oklahoma has made invites for its joint position (Political Science/Int'l and Area Studies), but the visits won't be until after New Year's.
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