Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Welcome to the IR Rumor Mill. If this is your first time here, please familiarize yourself our policies as they have evolved in recent years. It will make things easier down the road.

If you want to continue with a discussion from an earlier set of threads, we've posted a list of 2007-2008 threads on many topics. This list extends through the summer of 2008. If you want to keep your queries active, you should re-post them in the new threads below.

We've finally gotten around to adding labels to our posts. This should make searching the Rumor Mill easier.

If you have any comments or suggestions on the Mill itself, you should post them on the relevant thread.

This year we expect to build the "Big Board" organically, i.e., to list jobs when rumors start to come in. If anyone wants to volunteer some time and send us an HTML-formatted table with active job listings, feel free to do so.

If you want to contact us, email us at ir11rumor11mill@gmail.com. Don't forget to leave out the 11s (as in, "these amps go up to") for actual delivery!